We are currently having issues with our switchboard so your call is not reaching us.

Please send us an e-mail should you like to get in contact with us and we will call you back asap (or call us on our mobile phones). We hope the issue will be solved shortly.


Managing Director

Johan Gembäck

English, Swedish

Cell: +46 (0)700 860 866
Send e-mail

Chief Commercial Officer

Jesper Nitschmann

English, Swedish

Cell: +46 (0)700 87 81 88
Send e-mail

Production Leader

Juha Mäki

English, Swedish, Finnish

Phone: +46 (0)580 886 60
Cell: +46 (0)73 853 39 06
Send e-mail

Technical Manager / Software Engineering

Anders Holmberg

English, Swedish

Phone: +46 (0)580 886 60
Cell: +46 (0)73 077 71 77
Send e-mail


Economy / Administration / HR

Camilla Andersson

English, Swedish

Phone: +46 (0)580 886 60
Cell: +46 (0)73 399 43 65
Send e-mail


We arecurrently having issues with our switchboard so your call is not reaching us.
Please send us an e-mail should you like to get in contact with us and we will
call you back asap (or call us on our mobile phones). We hope the issue will be solved shortly.